Types of Automatically Generated Reports
Once customized to the user’s brand, style, and verbiage, at a click of a button, the FAT’s reporting ability is comprehensive and limited only by the user’s imagination.
Below is a synopsis of the standard reports available:

Financial Analysis Tool V4.5
Financial Analysis Questionnaire (FAQ)
The FAQ is a template designed to help brokers and / or valuators create a questionnaire used to gain the client’s or business owner(s)’ insight towards the company’s financial performance. It is most useful in the ‘Analytics Process’, and the ‘Recasting’ and ‘Normalization’ of the financial statements for the purpose of valuing the business. This is a time-saving analysis tool prompting specific questions, fully customizable to a user’s own specific brand and style of communication, and questions. The FAQ also provides a detailed record for archiving the information used during the information-gathering process of the valuation.

Financial Analysis Tool V4.5
Most Probable Selling Price (MPSP) / Valuation Report
The MPSP or Valuation Report is a document that provides the broker, valuator, and / or client / business owner with the requested MPSP, or Broker’s Opinion of Value, or Formal Valuation as the case may be.
It summarizes and interprets the various output generated by the FAT as well as assumptions applied in determining the subject value.
This is a valuable report that can be customized with the user’s own logos, colors, fonts, verbiage, disclaimers, and more. Please note that this report can be customized to use ‘SDE’, ‘EBIT’, or ‘EBITDA’ as the earnings base. A distinction can also be made between a ‘Main Street’ report versus an ‘M&A’ report or any other client-specific. If the assessment includes real estate, a separate ‘Property Valuation Report’ can be produced, or it can be integrated into the final MPSP / Valuation Report.
A separate ‘Property Valuation Report Template’ is also included in the package.

Financial Analysis Tool V4.5
Confidential Business Profile / Review (CBP / CBR) and Confidential Information / Offering Memorandum (CIM / COM)
These are marketing tools designed to concisely describe the key elements of the business to a user’s desired level and including an overview of the business, its history, location, and other specific information relative to the subject business and for the purpose of marketing the business or opportunity and where the document can also be as detailed and be as granular as one desires. Naturally, it also supports the user’s own specific needs relative to branding, layout, and details.
These comprehensive marketing tools are fully customizable to a user’s own brand, verbiage, disclaimers, and can be added to, or edited down to fit specific needs.